Jean Henri Gaston Giraud also know as "Moebius", was born in a suburb of Paris, France in 1938. Known for having done work in the French comic periodical Pilote and creating the cowboy character "Blueberry". He is a highly accomplished artist who has been extremely influential in the world of fantasy and science-fiction as well as in the world of art itself.

An image of Girauds' Blueberry
What Jean Giraud is most famous for is his help in creating the adult fantasy magazine Metal Hurlant (which is the french precursor and inspiration for Heavy Metal Magazine) and his character "Arzach". Jean Giraud has been known to have a fluctuating graphic style. Some of his early work contains realism while his more recent works contain a dream like quality such as Arzach which tells the story of a silent warrior who rides a winged creature in a desolate and strange landscape. Arzach has been compared to dreams and the subconscious mind and is portrayed with no text, only visuals tell the story in an imaginative and dream like way. You can find Jean "Moebius" Girauds' work in earlier issues of Heavy Metal Magazine or can search him out and find some of his own released works of stories and imaginative artwork.
An image taken from an Arzach comic

Moebius Art
More Arzach
Random Moebius Art from Heavy Metal Magazine
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