Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Psychedelic Art of Derek McKeon

This post I introduce an amazing psychedelic artist by the name of Derek McKeon who is from Toronto, Ontario and is in his 3rd year at Ryerson. Derek's art is heavily influenced by nature and it is quite apparent in his work. Derek was kind enough to conduct a small interview for this blog. Check it out to hear some interesting conversation by me and Derek and to check out a few pieces of his art.

You Are Human

Hey Derek, tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Derek McKeon, I enjoy all creative practices. I focus the most upon drawing and painting the most, but i also make music, video art and photography. I live in Toronto to work and go to school. I'll be going into my third year in Ryerson's Image Arts program for New Media.

Valley Noise

Who are some of your favorite artists?

That is a hard list to solidify, everyday I'm constantly finding new artists that I find influential. My opinion of my favourite artists has changed drastically over the years. I started out really digging the dark/bizarre work of Aubrey Beardsley, Gunsho, Pushead, Mark Riddick, Aaron Horkey, Roger Dean, and local artist Mike Parsons (Hey Apathy). I some what grew out of that phase and took interest in more psychedelic/Art Nouveau (Alphonse Mucha, Larry Carlson, Sonny Kay) and focused more upon nature. I have always thought of John Dyer Baizley (Baroness) and Aaron turner (Isis) to be my favourites in terms of art and music. The list is endless and consistently ongoing.

What influences your art?

A large portion of my influence is just day to day life. The experiences I have, the thoughts and feelings that run through my mind ultimately end up in the current piece I'm working on. I usually try and link raw expressions or feelings to literal objects and try to create my own open ended visual language or story. I find the most inspiration just being immersed in nature, whether it be a forest, corn field etc. Watching the natural ways in which life takes form and flows, i find the most influential.

Do you enjoy anything fantasy or science fiction?

Of course, I'm into a lot of H.P Lovecraft and old school horror/sci-fi. I own almost all his books/stories. His writing used to be of great influence on my older drawing style. As much as I love space, I must say I'm more of a horror kind of guy than sci-fi. I like lots of expressionist horror films from the early 1920's (Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, Un Chein Andalou)

Velcro Sky

Read any good books lately?

I just finished the Glass Bead Game by Herman Hesse. I found it fairly interesting, it deals with cultivation of self-knowledge, its pretty far out. I just borrowed a few books on sacred geometry from a friend. Im interested to read those, and think it would ultimately be of influence to my drawing. I just need to find some time to get some solid reading hours in.

Kill Death

Have you seen any good movies or are there any movies that you really enjoy?

I rarely ever go to the movies anymore, so theres nothing contemporary on my favourites list. My brother recently opened my eyes to the work of Alejandro Jodorowsky. All of his films are great, but particularly the film "Swieta Gora" (The Holy Mountain) really impacted me. There was a huge boost in creative motivation after watching that film.


Are you working on any pieces of art at the moment?

Theres a few I'm working on. One dealing with inside joke subject matter and a dragon. A few tattoo designs including my own. Theres a large stack of drawings on watercolour paper in the "TO BE PAINTED" pile in my room. Theres also a bunch of sketches i need to finalize. I try and keep it at a constant rate, and at least try to focus two to six hours each day. Whenever I'm not drawing, I'll be thinking/writing ideas or short stories. This sort of creates a source book, that becomes useful to look back upon to cultivate material for future drawings.

What are your future plans for your art and outside of it?

Future plans are hard to come by these days. I'm just going to take it one day at a time and see where that gets me. Im going into sound design come september. Hopefully i can get grades for making my own albums and recording music. As for art, i suppose just keep living and see where it takes my art. I'd like to maintain distribution and creation on a personal level, helping out people that will ultimately help you. And to try and remember always... to go forth and thrash.

Zen Clouds

All images copyright protected and solely owned by Derek McKeon.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Update+Moebius Art

Here are two videos accompanied with music that compile some of Moebius' work.

I did not choose the music mind you, so if you are not a fan of cheesy ambience music I would suggest muting the video as it definitely worked for me.

Hopefully next week I will be interviewing a very exciting and talented artist who resides in Toronto, Ontario. I will also hopefully be posting a mini biography of Philippe Druillet as well as post some of his art and a cool video I found.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jean Giraud A.K.A. "Moebius"

Jean Henri Gaston Giraud also know as "Moebius", was born in a suburb of Paris, France in 1938. Known for having done work in the French comic periodical Pilote and creating the cowboy character "Blueberry". He is a highly accomplished artist who has been extremely influential in the world of fantasy and science-fiction as well as in the world of art itself.

An image of Girauds' Blueberry

What Jean Giraud is most famous for is his help in creating the adult fantasy magazine Metal Hurlant (which is the french precursor and inspiration for Heavy Metal Magazine) and his character "Arzach". Jean Giraud has been known to have a fluctuating graphic style. Some of his early work contains realism while his more recent works contain a dream like quality such as Arzach which tells the story of a silent warrior who rides a winged creature in a desolate and strange landscape. Arzach has been compared to dreams and the subconscious mind and is portrayed with no text, only visuals tell the story in an imaginative and dream like way. You can find Jean "Moebius" Girauds' work in earlier issues of Heavy Metal Magazine or can search him out and find some of his own released works of stories and imaginative artwork.

An image taken from an Arzach comic


Moebius Art

More Arzach

Random Moebius Art from Heavy Metal Magazine


Hopefully viewing this blog, you are interested in the history of fantasy and science fiction, as well as the people who make it so alluring and thought provoking. The idea of fantasy is an odd one as it is pure imagination yet, it contains many realistic qualities and mirrors our own existence and very own history. Whether it be ancient civilizations, philosophy, or creatures and horrors unknown, it is merely a mirror of our own inquisitive nature and our obsession with the old, forgotten, and non-existent playing on our fears, curiosity, and the subconscious.

This blogs main purpose is to introduce artists known and unknown who have contributed both stories and artwork to the world of fantasy and science fiction. Artists with little or no background in science fiction and fantasy may even be introduced as well. Check back every so often to view art and learn about the artists involved that make life so much more interesting.
